new official website |
Sinead O'Connor // Official Website [rating ***]
frequently updated |
The Sinéad O'Connor Site 0ne of the best sites about Sinéad, only lately somehaw stagnate its updating. by Deniz Cebe, Roman Szendrey & Marcel Bobbink [rating *****]
not frequently updated [minimally one times in year] |
Beauty of Sinéad O'Connor Lots of photos from television. [updated October 9th, 2006][rating ***]
not updated [not once in year] |
Wszystko o Sinead O'Connor This web was made in Poland by MASLO [latest update February 12th, 2004][rating **]
SINEAD O'CONNOR First Russian site about Sinéad by Katja from Saint-Petersburg [rating **]
The Healing Room by Kabir Ahamed [last updated December, 2003][rating ***]
Sinéad O'Connor - Fanseite - Nothing compares 2 u Sinéad O'Connor - Germany Fanseite by Mari [latest update september 2003][rating **]
Sinéad O'Connor Wallpaper Home Wallpapers by Lauren [last updated Sep. 4, 2002][rating ****]
UNIVERSAL MOTHER A tribute to Sinéad O'Connor Very good page. by Deniz Cebe [last updated Sep. 4, 2002][rating ****]
From a Whisper to a Scream - Sinéad O'Connor Stránka, ktorá bola jednou z najlepších, čo sa týka aktualizácií. [last updated August 12th, 2003][rating ****]
SINEAD O'CONNOR - THE ULTRA MODERN ANCIENT GAELIC MYSTIC SIREN Sú tu asi hudobné akordy na niektoré pesničky [rating *]
Sinéad O'Connor Astrology Chart astrologický horoskop Sinéad [rating *]
Sinead O'Connor by Page by Sony Music Label [last updated Apr. 22, 1998][rating ***]
Sinead O'Connor Portal on PopTopix Zaujímavý zoznam stránok, aj keď nie úplný by PopTopix [rating *]
SINEAD O'CONNOR GOES BUBBLEGUM! Zaujímavá žuvačka a ešte zaujímavejšie tracky na tomto bubblegum cd [rating *]
Sinead O'Connor on SNL Opis incidentu - Október 3, 1992 - Sinéad O'Connor vystúpila ako hudobný hosť v "Saturday Night Live" show. Na konci show O'Connor zaspievala skladbu Boba Marleyho "War", ktorú Marley napísal a použil v nej slová z prejavu posledného etiópskeho cisára, Haile Selassie, ktorý umrel v roku 1975. Pieseň v zásade hovorí,že vojna je vhodná odpoveď pre obete rasového bezprávia, zneužívanie detí a iné krutosti. V závere piesne O'Connor podržala hore farebnú fotografiu pápeža Jána Pavla II o rozmeroch 8 x 10 palcov a roztrhala ju na kúsky, pričom povedala:"bojujte s reálnym nepriateľom." [rating ****]
BP Fallon | Sinead O'Connor Niekoľko zaujímavých fotografií z udeľovania cien GRAMMY 1989. by [rating ***]
Sinéad O'Connor | Aural Fixation Fotografie z koncertu, 6 June, 1998 - London, England Guinness Fleadh, Finsbury Park, Side Stage by Lisa [rating **]
not functional |
Sinéad O'Connor Fan Site Czech page, very nice, only not complete to end and not updated [rating ***]
Unofficial homepage of Sinead O'Connor Unofficial homepage of Sinead O'Connor by ForeverChild [rating ***]

new image |
OpalCat's Sinéad O'Connor Page OpalCatova stránka, veľmi stará z roku 1998 by OpalCat [last modiefied feb. 6, 2004][rating *]
Sinéad O'Connor Covers Pictures, covers and MP3 by JAN.AVARRO [latest update February 22th, 2003][rating **]
:: This Is A Rebel Collection New Sinéad O'Connor page from Poland Video and audio files, chat and forum by Mochino [updated every week][rating ****]
Sinead O'Connor Only about trading bootleg albums by rewi [rating **]
A tribute to Sinéad O'Connor through my art illustrations New Johnny's page by Juan Manuel [rating ****]
OAKaya ]]] motha earth - tree of life [[[ M.A.R.C.U.S. oliveemption Song Web Page Sinéad a Bob Marley music in Real Audio. [rating **]
Sinéad O'Connor Official Homepage New official web site Sinéad O'Connor [rating ****]
The Sinéad O'Connor Home Page Jeff Russell's page Very thin and old [rating *]
Bilal's Sinead O'Connor Web Page Very thin and old [rating *]
Sinéad O'Connor Official label page of Sinéad [rating ***]
web site with info about new album and collaboration Vanguard Records | new album on this label
Hummingbird Records | vydavateľstvo novej platne
Radikal Records Official Website | She's So Beautiful
Aslan - Official Web Site | She's So Beautiful
am eye human: sinead bootlegs | o novej platni časť 2
web site with photos
Alf Harvey Press Photographer - Sinead O'Connor in Concert | fotogaléria Alfa Harleya a jeho Sinéad na koncerte
Pen and Ink Art of Dave Archambault | prekreslená fotografia Sinéad
Ian Dury and the Blockheads | photo Sinéad
Jane Bown | pekná fotografia Sinéad
concerts web site CNN - O'Connor cancels Jerusalem concert after threats - June 16, 1997
Edmonton Folkfest 97 Performers - Sinéad O'Connor SINEAD O'CONNOR @ WOLFTRAP 6/16/98
Here, There and Everywhere | z koncertu na počesť Lindy McCartney 9. - 12. April 1999
PROMLUV - ročník 1997 - E.T.JAM | E. T. JAM Praha – Džbán 28. 6. 1997
web site akord and text Harmony Central®: OLGA Index: SINEAD O'CONNOR | akordy pesničiek Sinéad The Covers Project : Sinead O'Connor | od koho sú niektoré Sinéadine skladby prevzaté a kto hrá jej pesničky